Alasdair Reid
European Future Innovation System (EFIS) CentreBiography
Alasdair Reid has over 25 years’ experience of analysing and studying research and innovation (R&I) systems and advising governments in designing, implementing and evaluating policies to optimise the economic, social and environmental impacts of R&I instruments. He has advised the European Commission, the OECD, the World Bank, the Nordic Council of Ministers, UNECE, national and regional governments and agencies throughout the EU and in third countries. From the mid-1990s, he worked on developing regional innovation strategies from the first regional technology plans to the most recent smart specialisation strategies. In the 2000s, he coordinated the major R&I policy benchmarking initiatives at EU level for the European Commission. He has worked on R&I statistics including the European and regional innovation scoreboards and recently led a study on the impact of R&I policies on the sustainable development goals. Recent work has focused on challenge driven and transformative innovation policies including leading the assessment of the five EU Missions. He has worked extensively at national and European level on research infrastructures and the European Open Science Cloud as well as the digital transition (next generation internet, etc.). He is co-director of the Framework Contract for the Horizon Europe Policy Support Facility. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics related to research and innovation policies.